Health & Safety

Every business has a legal responsibility to comply with certain Health and Safety rules. These regulations are designed to protect people who are affected by your business activities including: employees working in the office, at home or on site visitors to business premises including customers and suppliers visitors to other places where you conduct business, such as a construction site members of the public any users of products or services you supply A business must carry out a risk assessment of any hazards. A policy to deal with these dangers must then be created and put in writing if there are five or more employees.

Other relevant rules to comply with include: recording and reporting accidents consultation with employees training and education of employees to ensure compliance with the company Health & Safety policy registration with the Health & Safety Executive, if certain conditions apply holding appropriate employers liability insurance. There are specific environmental rules that businesses must adhere to in terms of Health and Safety. You must: store and dispose of waste correctly avoid behaving as a statutory nuisance by producing noise, fumes, light etc comply with any registration and practices relevant to trade effluent adhere to compliance and registration rules for packaging if turnover is more than £2million per year comply with restrictions on the use of hazardous substances.